Anti-Islamic Websites

Dear Muslim brothers & sisters,

Be careful about these Anti-Islamic Websites which are conducted by the enemies of Islam. Even the names of these sites are Islamic, they propagate the false information about Islam. 

Please inform your brothers and sisters about these sites and be aware about these misguiding sites.

(1) http://www. islamreview. com 
(2) http://www. faithfreedom. org/
(3) http://www. answering-islam. org
(4) http:// www. muslimhope. com/
(5) http:// www. islameyat. com/
(6) http:// www. islamreview. com
(7) http:// www. muhammadanism. com/
(8) http:// www. thespiritofislam. com
(9) http:// www. abrahamic-faith. com/
(10) http:// www. gnfcw. com/
(11) http:// www. knowislam. info
(12) http:// www. homa. org/
(13) http:// www. thequran. com
(14) http:// www. Allahassurance. com
(15) http:// www. mosque. com
(16) http:// www. newislam. org/
(17) http:// www. islam-exposed. org/
(18) http:// answering-islam. org. uk/
(19) http:// www. answeringinfidels. com
(20) http:// www. islamundressed. com/
(21) http:// www. studytoanswer. net
(22) http:// www. challenging-islam. org
(23) www. answering-islam. org
(24) http:// www. Islamundressed. com
(25) http:// www. exmuslim. com/
(26) http:// www. answeringinfidels. com
(27) http:// www. gnfcw. com/
(28) http:// www. dhimmi. com/
(29) http:// www. chick. com/information/religions/islam
(30) http:// www. acage. org/
(31) http:// www. apostatesofislam. com/
(32) http:// www. secularislam. org/
(33) http:// www. muslim-refusenik. com/
(34) http:// www. icapi. org/
(35) http:// www. hesetsfree. org/
(36) http:// www. letusreason. org
(37) http:// www. kafirnation. com/
(38) http:// www. jihadwatch. org
(39) http:// www. anti-cair-net. org/
(40) http:// apostatesofislam. com/

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